Sunday, March 8, 2015


I had to go to Walmart today for a number of things.  Although I generally go to Target, I had the Walmart itch today.  I shouldn't have scratched it.  I'll read back on this blog next time I decide to go.

A few "Dana thoughts":

1.  Where do these people come from? 
2.  Immigration should have a sub-station in here instead of an eye center for exams. comment is not racist, just an observation.
3.  The number of women with "sharpie" eyebrows was overwhelming yet intriguing.  The different types of arches and pencil colors that are being utilized is that of an art display.
4.  The number of bald men with large barbershop end curled mustaches and knee socks was also interesting.  

Reminds me of this video I've recently viewed from the "505" and Lil Baby Dreamer.

5. General driving rule in the US should apply to cart (buggy) driving within the store as well.  Most isles can be called "lanes".  Why are people going to wrong way? It's a simple concept.
6.  STOP stopping, talking on  phones, trying on lotion, smelling shampoo and breaking the protective seals, and trying to find your 400 children.  You are in a store.  This is not the Bristol Swap Meet.
7.  This isn't a fucking daycare or an event to test out toys people!  Get your kids out of the toy isle and make them stop ripping the boxes open and playing with the toys.  Either buy it and go home and let them play with it or get the hell out of my way. 

Twitter Twatter I'm a Blogger..Let me introduce you to ME

So, this is me, Dana.  I'm not really one for "Twatting" or 'Blogging", but I'm going to take a shot at this since I've had people tell me that I should start a blog
I'm a wife, mom, have a great job that helps people, and I own my own little business.  Oh, and I'm exhausted. 
I was born and raised in Jersey and although many people think Jersey is an armpit and are dying to get the frig out of the state, it is my HOME.  Don't get me wrong, I live in California now and have made lifetime friends, but the armpit is my home and I miss it every single day.
I frequently rant and rave about a number of topics and tend to keep my blood pressure at an all time high, so this might be a great way for me to just get it out. 
I am the kind of person that just says it like it is, and for the most part it has gotten me far in life.  I would say my personality has helped me in life more than I realize.  I'm smart too by the way. 
I fight for what I feel is right and I will keep fighting until I win.  Recently I started fighting Victoria's Secret, we'll talk about that another day.  I have a lot to say about those bitches.
For the most part I will probably write about happy things and many things that piss me off that I have an opinion on.  If I offend anyone, let me APOLOGIZE in advance.  I mean no harm.
So, let me take a stab at blogging and maybe it will save me a copay for blood pressure medication in the future.  This might be a good way for me to throw up on the screen and get it out.